Tag Archives: anchor

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historical performance

Historical Performance is not Benchmark Performance

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It often starts with, “What did we do last year?” Many people and organizations set a course to measure future performance against historical performance. Win or lose, exceed the previous, or met expectations, is that high performance?

Measuring performance is always relative. Whichever team wins the championship has a different history when compared with the team who didn’t make it to the playoffs.

Historical Performance

Often people and organizations measure against their last performance or recent performance.

It is an anchor. Where we place the mark.

As people we tend to anchor to data. Initially people often frame according to the record. The record high jump, the fastest time, or the longest distance. Guinness has a book of records.

These records are valuable and important. A point of origin, a starting place, and a remembrance of achievement.

Is the act repeatable? Was it luck?

Benchmark Performance

Benchmark performance is considered to be different. A collection of data that specifies the approximate.

The average time for a marathon, lap times at a Motorsport event, and in golf, par.

There are many ways to set performance standards. Some of them feel more important than others.

Performance measurement may depend on what is trying to be accomplished. If the goal is to improve or get better, it may be connected to history.

The problem with historical data is often in its assumption of accuracy. Is the lap time unbeatable? Can you score under par?

Weighing a pound less on the scale after your workout is perhaps a good measure.

Bringing in one dollar more in sales revenue this year when compared with last year is better, but it is unlikely the limit. And, likely shouldn’t be the goal.

Becoming better or the best is often determined by the anchor.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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meeting job requirements

The Trouble Spots of Meeting Job Requirements

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The performance review is often known as an annual process. Employees at all levels start to think, “What will happen, what will be said, and how will it shape my future?” Meeting job requirements may be more challenging than you think.

People are quick to consider things like, “I get all of my work done.” or, “I’ve improved a lot during the past year.”

Goals or Starting Points?

Most jobs have room for stretch.

In other words, a well-crafted job description usually expresses minimums, not maximums. So there is plenty of room on the upper side, and nearly zero tolerance on the lower side.

Employees often work towards the minimums. The minimum is the anchor. It is mentally what the employee connects with, and remembers.

As the employee you may get all your work finished. Is that amount of work meeting the minimum?

It may take you eight hours to sell $1,000. It is a full-day of work. However, if the minimum expectation is $2,500, you’re short.

The same is true for your professional development. You may have improved, but are the improvements enough?

Meeting Job Requirements

When it comes to your performance review, whether it is a formal or informal snapshot, have you accomplished enough? Like beauty, it is often in the eye of the beholder. The employee typically doesn’t decide, it is up to the reviewer.

There are two trouble spots.

The first is that job requirements are typically presented as the minimum, but the employee observes them as the goal. The second is that as the employee, you don’t get to measure, the boss or other leaders provide the measurement.

Your work counts most when it is has surpassed the goal. Anything less means that the contract obligations haven’t been met.

In matters of job descriptions what is required is typically not the goal. It is the starting point.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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