Reasonable Work Always Sells Better
Are you creating reasonable work? Do the employees and the customer find value in the output? Some things sell themselves while others never sell at all.
Many twenty-year olds are not focused on retirement savings. It doesn’t really matter to them, yet.
What is missing is the link or connection to why starting early might matter later. There are plenty of people in their 40’s and 50’s that aren’t really into it either.
Is it reasonable to do it early and most of all to consider that showing up late to the concept is better than never showing up at all?
What’s the Purpose?
The company or organization you work for has a purpose. It has a mission statement, even if it is somewhat informal. There is a reason why it exists.
Someone wants to buy the output, someone values the service, or both. Connection for the customer and connection for the employee is the image of a great organization.
The effort has reason and value.
Why Care?
Connecting people with your idea matters most when they see the value. It is true for the customer and it is true for the employee.
A product or service without value won’t be very successful with sales.
Employees who see little value in what they are creating will resort to only working for the paycheck. Disrespected, neglected, or driven by fear, the only value they may find is in the money that helps them provide for their way of life.
Their focus is the paycheck.
Is that reasonable?
Reasonable Work
The equation is simple really.
A connection with purpose creates engagement.
On either side, a product or service without a connection to purpose won’t get noticed. It won’t sell or scale, and most of all, the people behind the behind the production could really care less.
Producing reasonable work, work with reason, is the key for building a sustainable workplace culture.
If it doesn’t work, it won’t matter.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.