Personal Goals Start With What You Believe
What are your personal goals? Get promoted, get healthier, or perhaps secure your financial position? Maybe it is all of those and a whole lot more.
Do you believe in your goals?
Belief is a funny thing. Belief will often come to life based on your surroundings. Are other people in a similar place in life getting promoted? Are people building houses, working out, or starting a garden? What is happening around you?
If everyone in your network attends church on a regular basis, you might decide to attend. If nearly no one does, you might not either. When they believe in a particular political party, you may join their movement, or you may watch from the sidelines.
When people share their values and beliefs and create a lifestyle that surrounds those principles, others may join in.
You may start to believe, or if you already believe, then your beliefs may get reinforced by others believing too.
On a high level, this probably makes sense and resonates with most people.
Do you believe in you?
Is what you are planning to do or accomplish true?
Personal Goals
If you want to take a vacation of a lifetime, build your dream home, or drive a very expensive car will you make it happen? Will you make it come true?
Not all beliefs are true.
There are people who won’t believe what you believe. They may not believe getting a promotion is possible. They may insist weight loss or health gains are just too complicated. And for financial positioning, well, it may be that they believe that is only for the elite, the rich and famous.
Many people work tirelessly for their employer and they do get a promotion. There are plenty who change their eating habits, take a walk, and get better sleep. Financial positioning may not be as much about what you make as it is about what you keep.
All of those are structured by belief.
What you tell yourself or what others tell you will condition what happens next. Belief is often about your community.
Be part of one that contributes to, not distracts you from what you want to happen next.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.