Narrowcasting Might Be a Better Approach
What do you do when broadcasting is so easy that you get lost in a sea of competitors? Narrowcasting might be a better approach.
People want to market what they offer. It could be for business or it may be for your job or career. Does telling the World make sense, or should you narrow your efforts?
Many small businesses focus on their city, county, or perhaps their state. Business names are created and businesses are branded to a geographic location.
Bridge Street Pizza
Philadelphia Auto Repair
Lancaster County Roofers
There are two schools of thought.
The first is, tell the world, tell everyone, don’t limit your presence. The other is, become well known in your immediate area. Capture the market close to you. Become well-known in a local community.
The local pizza shop in Mitchell, South Dakota won’t get many sales in Boca Raton, Florida.
It is easy to see when you look at vast distances with local services. Yet, in reality, many businesses and also individuals seeking career growth get foggy on the importance of broadcasting versus narrowcasting.
Of course, there is always a sweet spot. Stretching for the maximum width while still maintaining a close proximity.
What is easiest, most effective, or the best bang for your buck?
If you are a small business what is your vision? How far do you want to reach? How will you maximize efficiency and effectiveness within your space.
If you are an individual seeking a new role or career growth, consider your best skills, the sector or market you want to grow in, and don’t stretch things too broadly.
Broad often appears to increase your chances, yet, becoming well-known in your community is much easier than becoming well-known in the world.
Social media tempts people to broaden their efforts.
Shouting in Times Square, New York City, on New Year’s eve probably won’t be that noticeable.
Attending your community Chamber of Commerce mixer with one hundred other small businesses might work.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.