How Media Impacts Culture and Climate
Hustle and bustle every day, some people talk about the push, others about the pull. Your organizational culture is impacted by social climate. Have you thought about how media impacts culture?
Media is exploding. It isn’t just the daily paper anymore. In fact, it hasn’t been the daily paper for some time.
Information Sources
Media is available everywhere, consider these sources and impacts:
- YouTube video
- Political tweet
- A Facebook argument
- Niche satellite radio channels
- Podcasts
- Newspapers
- On-line news
- Libraries
- Tabloids
- Magazines
- Non-business LinkedIn content
- Business LinkedIn content
- Billboards
- AM/FM Radio
- Talk shows
- Television news
- Books
- College classrooms
- Email chains
- Blogs
- Vlogs
- Pinterest favorites
- Word of mouth
- World of mouth
When you consider how marketing and social climate impact culture you’ll quickly recognize that the call to action you hope for and the one you get may be completely different. When you ask why, consider the vast amount media sources that affect your environment.
Marketing and Action
Organizational culture has never been more important and social climate impacts never more profound. The constant stream of infiltration by marketers and the press doesn’t come from one or two sources.
Getting information is easy. Digesting information and execution is far more challenging.
What springs your team into action? What will cause them to leap, understand what is urgent, and get into a positive rhythm?
Media Impacts Culture
Does culture shape the media or is media shaping the culture?
There are videos running at gas pumps, charging stations, and in the elevator. Smartphones and electronic tablets are everywhere. People, compelled by moving parts and flashy content repeated over and over again may create a culture.
People will connect with what interests them and the source doesn’t matter so much when the content is compelling.
Media impacts culture.
Is part of your business media?
Maybe it should be.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is a five-time author and some of his work includes, #CustServ The Customer Service Culture, and Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.