Category Archives: positive

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beautiful jobs

Beautiful Jobs, Have You Lost One or Found One?

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Writing this early on a Monday morning reminds me that Mondays often mean a day of grit and grind. Do businesses really offer beautiful jobs? Are you in a great one, feel stuck in a bad one, or have recently lost one?

Are you working your dream job? Have you ever lost a job and discovered it wasn’t such a good job after all? Are all jobs, beautiful jobs?

Some people go to the county fair, others to the lake or a spot near the river. Some hike the trails, ride a bicycle, or float in a kayak.

Still others go to a fancy restaurant, hang out in the park, or catch something unique or fanciful at the community arts display.

Not everyone has the same taste for recreation or art. Not every business has the job for you and not every job that interests you is one where you will feel like you belong.

Clients won’t always accept your proposal, and not all sales are final.

It might be true for the runaway bride or husband too.

Beautiful Jobs

The truth of it all is that not everyone wants what you want. Not every employer is the right match and money or benefits only take up the space in your soul for so long.

Every day someone is hired and someone is fired. Some people love what they do and others hate what they do.

Some businesses never want you to lose you and others are already looking for your replacement.

Things not working are a fact of life. Disappointment and rejection mean things aren’t fitting right now.

If you live in a climate with four seasons, it will rain one day, and sunshine on another. Hot and cold vary, things grow and die. Some will grow back again, others never will.

It’s all normal. It’s all relative.

Beautiful jobs may be more like seasons that you realize.

Look forward to next season.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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reciprocity expected

Reciprocity Expected, Fact or Myth?

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Is reciprocity expected? Do you have espoused values that guide you for each favor or do you often expect something in return? A future favor paid back?

It might be generational, but likely it is more about community.

Communities pop up everywhere. It is not just the borders of a small town or urban street block. Communities are about people.

There are communities on social media, there are like-minded people doing things to help others in the name of religion. There are also generous people who just enjoy helping someone who needs a hand.

What about reciprocity?

Reciprocity Expected

Are the concepts of reciprocity developed in childhood or as an adolescent? Does it come from parental guidance or is it hard wired from birth?

When someone lends you a hand, are you obligated to return the favor? For many people, this is the expectation or the guilt, whichever side you fall on.

Of course, you can’t forget about the psychological or even the sales factor connected to this.

As many would quickly recognize, giving something often solicits an expectation of receiving something in return. It is sales trick number 4.

If you have ever felt that you’ve been snookered by a rather crafty salesperson reciprocity may have been involved.

Perhaps what is better for your community, your workplace, close friends and family, or your neighbor is to simply give. Lend the hand, be generous, and expect nothing in return.

Generosity is something to be proud of, do the kind of work and be the kind of person that others admire and respect.

Give reciprocity a rest.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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workplace appreciation

Workplace Appreciation, Are You Getting Enough?

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It is a great discussion point. It starts with a question. Are you getting enough workplace appreciation?

People come to work every day. If they aren’t going to a physical shared location, they are doing it from a home office, a makeshift kitchen countertop, or a small nook near their bedroom. Some might believe it is a café or a picnic table in the park, but these are unlikely.

In addition to the paycheck, what brings you to work? If your response is, “Nothing.” Then there probably is very little appreciation and there certainly is not a connection or sense of pride with the work you perform.

For everyone else, and I’m hoping that is you, your work matters. Even what appears as the lowest or dirtiest job has a reason and meaning because without it, the organization is not complete.

Beyond the paycheck, appreciation is probably the most important aspect of your connection with your work.

Is there enough appreciation?

Workplace Appreciation

You might be self-motivated, but for what cause? Why are you self-motivated? Are you building something for yourself or for someone else? What compels and drives you for customer satisfaction? If no one appreciates your work, will you still do it?

Some things are done for you. That isn’t selfish, it’s healthy. Sometimes you do things for other people that provide something in return for you. Something beyond a paycheck.

Everyday people are jockeying for position. They are jockeying for position on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. A post, a comment, and a like on LinkedIn may seem appealing for business connections.

Is it social? In some regards, yes, in other regards it is action that seeks position.

If getting one click or like feels good, ten is better. If you get ten, can you get 25, 50, or 100? And so it begins, the effort becomes the trick of the trade to get more. The level of satisfaction may actually weaken because the reason behind the effort may have shifted.

It shifts because the economy of scale becomes more important than individual impact.

This is why doing the work that matters and being appreciated for it is something special. It makes all of your work feel more important and valued. Certainly, you want many people to appreciate the effort.

Real appreciation is not about a chasing numbers or riding the algorithm wave.

When you realize the difference, everyone who contributes will be much more engaged.

They’ll care, and so will you.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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smart forecasts

Smart Forecasts Change Outlooks and Outcomes

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Do you sometimes predict what will happen next? Are you making smart forecasts about the future?

It seems like everyone does it sometimes. You believe that you know what the person will say next, you know the behavior they’ll exhibit, and you know what the reactions will be throughout their network.

Do you get is right?

The best answer is probably, “Sometimes.”

Your confidence grows when you nail it. You may even be sort of proud about it and proclaim, “I told you so.”

We’re not always correct though. Sometimes we get it wrong.

Sometimes we finish their sentence and it isn’t where they were heading. Sometimes we suggest something was different about the circumstances that we didn’t realize and that is why the behaviors weren’t as predicted.

Are your forecasts useful?

Smart Forecasts

If people are expecting a sun-shiny day, their mood might perk up. If it starts to rain there is disappointment. Perhaps even some wet clothes or soggy shoes.

It isn’t that much different in the workplace.

Sensing that your computer will crash today is unlikely unless of course, it has been crashing frequently without resolution.

Worrying about the meeting your boss just called may not help your plight unless there is something overdue or some wrongdoing that you might be able to correct before the meeting.

Attitudes and moods are often conditioned by expectations. Expectations develop from communication.

Let’s not forget about self-fulfilled prophecy. What you think or believe will often have a strange way of unfolding.

That is precisely why smart forecasts matter so much.

There has to be accuracy, but it also should be backed up by optimism.

Smart forecasts have a way of coming true.

Predict more sunshine.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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normal people

Normal People Work Here, At Least We Think So

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Do you work with a bunch of normal people? Is the place where you work normal, or is it filled with a daily dose of abnormality? Is your team productive, efficient, and successful?

Could it be? Should it be?

Hiring managers are always striving for fit. The house builder probably has to be prepared to work in various weather conditions, understand foundations, lumber, and blueprints. When he or she does, they are probably considered normal and may likely be a good fit.

In the business of politics, someone representing the democratic party isn’t going to fit well in the republican party. Sure, people change their minds and their beliefs, yet in simple terms the fit just isn’t there.

Onlookers at the dynamics of groups of people will often see normalcy. At the same time people within the group see outliers. They see the outspoken, the shy, the backward, they see differences.

What is normal?

Normal People

Many things in life can be explained through a bell curve. A place where something starts, grows, gains momentum, and ultimately declines.

A new product has a life-cycle. It has a start, growth, and decline.

What happens in the middle is often what people call normal. The beginning and the end are uncertain, but during its peak, there are plenty of people both willing and interested to be a part of the norm.

Normal seems desirable, attractive, and a place to get comfortable.

By most descriptions, there are normal weather patterns, normal cars, homes, and clothing.

Normal is normal, until it isn’t. Until something changes or pressure is applied. Chaos may even be normal, and then serene is different.

You and your team may be more normal than you think. Even in a group of differences, that may be normal.

If you’re normal, right now is the best time to make something happen.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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workplace aggravation

Workplace Aggravation, Are You Creating More?

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How does your day start? Is it a mix of workplace aggravation? Are you a contributor?

Some people like to stir the pot. Ramp up the drama, or just get people negatively fired up.

They consciously or subconsciously want to create destructive tension. Sometimes the belief is that it is fun to aggravate people. In extreme cases it becomes a playful way of the culture.

It’s not a good thing.

Have you experienced this?

People may ask:

I wonder if Mark will leave early again today?

Has the boss made his micromanagement rounds yet this morning?

Did you notice Abigale is wearing flip-flops again today?

Will any of this launch the start of a positive outcome?


Workplace Aggravation

These conversation starters don’t create connection or focus on anything positive. They add to the tension, build more stress, and work towards a cohesive environment of negativity.

Does the tension serve to create anything positive? Will it build something better for your customer or will it impact morale in a positive manner?

Are you adding to or detracting from negative tension?

Why do people want to stir the pot? Has it become part of the culture?

Building on Positivity

There are plenty of ways you can contribute negatively, and just as many ways to contribute with more positivity.

Our customers will love this.

I want to beat last week’s goal.

The new way is definitely better, it’s saving us a lot of time and wasted energy.

You have a choice about how you’ll contribute. Words are often used to create action and sometimes thoughtless words ignite anger, build negative tension, and derail positive performance.

Don’t waste anyone’s time.

Create something worthwhile.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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responsible emotionally

Being Responsible Emotionally Is Your Choice

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Each day presents a new opportunity, yet you only have it for just this one day. Tomorrow is another new day. Are you being responsible emotionally for yourself or your team?

What difference would you like to make today?

People often mention attitude. The discussion seems to center around either having a good attitude or a bad attitude. Everyone quickly recognizes that attitude is a game changer.

The new day opportunity is to construct our emotional state around how we want to feel, how we want things to look, and the outcomes that we seek.

Unless you’ve somehow been hiding under a rock for two months, you recognize that there is a problem right now. Disruption is everywhere and everyone knows it.

You still have a choice about how you’ll approach the day.

Responsible Emotionally

People often identify a good day as one without pressure, without worry, or without havoc. Are these days about choice?

Perhaps, in some regards. In other ways, circumstances and situations arise that are often beyond your control.

On these days you have a choice. You can put your energy into a reaction, some anger, or viewing it from the position of the victim. This takes energy.

Another choice is to use your energy to focus on how want to feel. Choose to believe in a different outcome and start by modeling the behavior that represents the outcome you desire.

There is a benefit. A big benefit. The benefit is not only about how you’ll feel but also about how you appear to others.

Today will only happen once. Tomorrow is another day.

Make your best choices about how you will represent on this day.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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think improvement

Think Improvement When It Is Less Than Perfect

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Is perfect possible? Some might quickly suggest that it is. Are you ready to think improvement instead of perfect?

When someone offers to schedule the meeting within your preferred time slot you may respond with, “Perfect.”

It is a kind gesture and also sounds a little energetic. All of that is great.

As time goes by, you may decide that time slot wasn’t so perfect after all.

Your project slipped. You hit a roadblock, or the client just asked for more within the same timeline. Now it’s not so perfect anymore.

Doubtful About Perfect

We often wish for perfect. We wish for the perfect day, the perfect vacation, or even for the perfect relationship or marriage. Although, somewhere in the back of our mind, we’re doubtful about the possibility of perfect.

Because of our doubt, we don’t want to compare today’s accomplishments, we don’t want to discuss our plans for a stay at home vacation because it just sounds unattractive. For our relationships, we put on a good face, we smile, and say things are great.

Having something less than perfect shouldn’t be a reason to feel embarrassment. It shouldn’t be about a comparison to others, and honestly, the lack of perfection may just keep it all real.

Think Improvement

If we have something less than perfect that means there is an opportunity.

There is opportunity for more gratitude, more patience, and deeper listening. Opportunity also means there is a chance to evaluate the positive and to think about how to do more of exactly those things.

When you worry less about perfection and focus more on improvement life seems to offer a little more appreciation. On top of that, everything seems a little less stressful.

Think improvement not perfection.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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new workplace venture

New Workplace Venture And How To Start

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Boredom may be the leading cause for a job or career change. Are you considering trying something new? Does the idea of a new workplace venture excite you?

It should.

The most important part is that it doesn’t always mean you have to jump ship. You may be able to get started with your current job.

Three Year Itch

Are you not feeling it in your job? Is it not all that it’s cracked up to be? Sometimes this starts to unfold around year two or three.

There are at least two choices. First, you can dig deep, turn over a new leaf, and make some motion towards rediscovering positivity. The other option is that you get out of Dodge.

If you are considering exploring a new opportunity by leaving your existing one, it may be a bit secretive. On the other hand, embarking on a new venture while staying right where you are doesn’t have to be.

Have you ever witnessed the energy of the new hire? They come on board, motivated, fired up, and ready to make some things happen?

They don’t have any history with the organization and everyone is on their best behavior? Sometimes we call this the honeymoon period. Everything seems rosy.

Is there a chance that seeing your existing role through a new lens could change things? Is there a conversation that needs to occur, some wiggle room or more tolerance in your navigation, or is there an apology required?

Do you think it’s possible?

New Workplace Venture

Perhaps the best way to turn over a new leaf is to start. Sometimes it is that simple. You-just-have-to-start.

It may begin with a conversation with your boss, with your team, or with your peers. It may begin without any conversation, just a renewed attitude, a fresh look through a different lens.

What if you were starting the job for the first time today? What energy would you bring? Would you be excited?

There may be many ways to get started. One of the best is to establish a new commitment and then, begin.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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professional seminars

Professional Seminars, Sit Through It or Grow?

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Continuous learning, lifelong learning, what is your approach to professional seminars? Some of the approaches I hear are comical.

If I have to sit through it, you’re going to sit through it too.

I’ll sit through it, but I probably have more important things to do.

I don’t think I need this but I’ll sit through if it makes everyone happy.

Sit through it?

I’ve heard these and dozens more as training is being organized or as people assemble for the event. In the back of my mind I’m thinking, “What kind of attitude is that?”

Fear of History Repeating

Then I remember. I remember sitting through slide after slide of someone reciting the work of someone else. I remember the endless barrage of slide decks with words, paragraphs, and executive summaries you are expected to read. In another unfortunate twist the presenter will read it for you.

It doesn’t stop there; we also have charts. Not a simple pie chart or bar graph but five years of key indicators data that is in font size 8 or 10. Huh?

Participants have a choice. A choice about sitting through that or doing something better. The presenters have a choice also. Their choice is about what and how they’ll present.

Professional Seminars

Just this week I presented three different seminars in three different towns. I heard and felt some of the grumbles and groans before the start.

When finished, I welcomed and appreciated the handshakes and kind comments. I am always grateful and sometimes humbled by the generosity of eager and inspired participants. It is my biggest reward.

My suggestion is not new, but still relevant. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Or in this case don’t judge a seminar before it starts.

Most people don’t care for just sitting around. Professional seminars will inspire you to grow.

As a participant you have a choice. You can come prepared to just sit through it, or you can come prepared to grow through it.

There is a saying which I don’t know who to give credit. It goes something like this, “If you think it is expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.”


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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