Business Community Has Changed, Is That Good?
Has the business community you once knew changed? Have personal or business networks changed? What about the business mixers, opportunities to socialize and the chance to engage with new contacts?
If you ask someone if they believe that the World is changing, there is a very strong possibility that they will indicate that it is. When you ask how or why, you’ll likely get many different reactions. Asking if the change feels positive and appropriate and you’ll likely touch an emotional nerve.
What is different, or why?
Social Influence
In the recent past, many people have recognized the U.S. Super Bowl as having some of the most interesting commercials. Often there are people watching who have never watched an entire game in the current season, yet, they’ll tune-in for the Super Bowl. Ask them why, and you might get a few responses about the commercials.
Has something changed there?
There is more social pressure connected with sports. Kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem is one example.
People who are kneeling are claiming to be making some form of statement, but who is watching? For the Super Bowl broadcast on television, in the most recent decade, the average exceeds 100 million viewers. Amazing.
Consider that 150 years ago there was basically one media channel, a localized newspaper.
Much has changed.
What does any of this have to do with your business community?
Business Community
Rules of the game have changed. How people connect, interface, and engage has shifted.
Similar to the newspaper, older ways and methods still exist and have a certain amount of activity, but it certainly is not the only way. And most likely, not the preferred way for cutting edge engagement.
Defining community may also have new challenges. Social etiquette has shifts, challenges, and hurdles. The same with self-expressions, views of discrimination, fairness, and equity.
What about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn, YouTube, Reddit, and WhatsApp, just to name a few?
This is in addition to hundreds of television channels in most areas, localized radio broadcasts, satellite radio, bloggers, vloggers, and podcasts.
Creating or being in a business community has never been easier. It has also never been more challenging.
Have you found a common platform or group that represents your business values, beliefs, and goals? Is it through a trade association, a social platform, or in-person gatherings?
How do you fit? Do you feel like you belong or are you merely an observer? If it is free, who is the customer and who or what is the product?
Is it authentic? Are the people?
It isn’t that simple anymore.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.