Category Archives: belief

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personal experiences

Personal Experiences Shape Belief More Than Talk

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Have you ever tried to convince someone to see it your way but you just can’t quite pull it off? Personal experiences are more powerful than chit-chat which is precisely why you must create an experiential experience.

Many businesses want change. They want to increase sales, improve efficiencies and build a dynamic culture that will lead them to becoming a best in class.

Yet, their success meets opposition, struggle, and stays stuck.

The workforce often doesn’t believe in change. It may not be because they don’t want change, it may be because they have a hard time believing in change.

Change leaders find it perplexing.

These leaders formulate a plan. Package it all nice and pretty, and roll it out to the masses with a prescribed strategy and metrics to guide the change effort. Yet, the workforce struggles to believe.

No matter how pretty the message, how well laid out the plan, it just doesn’t seem to happen.

Personal experiences might be to blame.

Personal Experiences

Great speakers and story tellers capture audience attention by connecting them emotionally to what they are describing.

It often develops from childhood. A parent reads a book out loud to they young child while the young child forms an image in their mind of what is being read.

The bonus of course is a picture book. It helps form a more complete image.

All grown up in the workplace a similar thing happens. One big difference is that the working adult usually has their own life experiences that are shaping their story. Not necessarily the story that is being told, but the story that they, as an individual, hear and imagine.

This is often why change efforts struggle, or worse, fail.

It may not be because the plan is bad, it may be because not enough people believe.

Beyond having a great plan, change leaders need to build trust and they need to help everyone involved see the vision and then actualize it.

If you’ve been burned a couple of times, someone telling you it won’t happen again is hard to believe.

Develop the story, but be prepared to shape belief through experiences.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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finding truth

Finding Truth And Pink Volkswagon Beetles

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How much time or effort do you spend finding truth? Is truth really about facts or is it more about belief?

In religion, many people insist that they are stating facts, yet they actually may be stating beliefs.

Scientific research is sometimes based on belief. You might examine it statistically. Is it a null hypothesis? Could it be true?

We often struggle for truth or facts. Many turn to the internet for answers.

Is Wikipedia a valid source? What about YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter? Who decides?

In a general sense, each individual decides. Does belief make it real?

Finding Truth

There is an old story that suggests you find what you look for.

You might have heard the story connected to pink Volkswagon Beetles. Very low production numbers suggest that not many people have seen a pink Volkswagon Beetle but yet if you start watching for one, it may appear.

In the workplace, we might turn to data. Where does the data come from?

If we see it with our own eyes, if we experience it, is it real, valid, and true?

Daniel Simons, and Christopher Chabris, tested our seeing is believing in 1999 with the students passing the basketball test. If you have experienced this test on selective attention, you will realize that seeing may be believing although it may not be the truth.

What is the truth?

The truth may very well be what you believe.

For your job, your career, or your business endeavor, the first and perhaps most important step is believing.

Belief often creates truth.

Or so it seems.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Stronger points

Stronger Points May Be Exactly What You Need

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Have you made your point? Does anyone buy it? Making stronger points may be the difference between having a vision and creating reality.

In polite debates making your point might make a difference. Stronger points might make a difference in the meeting being held in the conference room, the chance encounter with your boss or the CEO at the coffee pot, or in the presentation that you worked on for weeks.

When we see something that is hard to believe, we often call it magic.

Magic has a special way of illustrating something that we probably can’t believe until we see it with our own eyes.

If you can see it for yourself, it is true.

Are you needing stronger points?

Stronger Points

This is exactly why the best workplace leaders are able to illustrate a clear vision. It is why strategy matters and why proper execution should be celebrated, put on a pedestal, and broadcast to everyone.

Belief is one of the most powerful psychological connections to work that you can have.

An Olympic athlete has a vision, and a work ethic to obtain the goal based on step-by-step plans carefully placed on a timeline. The timeline illustrates the intersection of preparedness with peak performance. The pursuit is about belief. Belief that it is real and that it can be achieved.

Workplace success shouldn’t be much different. The path, the vision, the roadmap, it is all part of the plan. A plan that once it is made believable, can come true.

Richard Branson proved it with Virgin Galactic.

Make some magic. Make stronger points.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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catchy projects

Catchy Projects, Do They Really Work?

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Do you have catchy projects? Do they attract interest, bring in new customers, keep existing customers, or engage your workforce?

People often discuss the law of attraction. One version of the law of attraction tends to suggest that what you think, is what will become true by your own creation. Think positive and you’ll see positive, think negative and you’ll find negative. Sort of a self-fulfilled prophecy kind of thing.

Having catchy projects is, well, attractive.

It is attractive for those who engage with it, and ideally it is attractive for the support of your cause or purpose.

In marketing circles people sometimes talk about things being sticky.

Good ideas are sticky. They aren’t easily shaken off.

The best products are sticky. Once you touch them, use them, or share them people don’t want to let them go.

Even the culture of your organization may be sticky. When you onboard new people they want to stick around.

Are catchy projects the root of success?

Catchy Projects

What makes a project catchy is not easily defined. It is more about the attraction to the project. What makes it clingy, magnetic, or sticky?

Generosity may be a starting point. Most people are receptive to something that feels generous.

Something that is easily shared, literally or metaphorically, might become catchy.

Most business cultures and business endeavors are in favor of catchy.

It is why branding is so important.

The next time you launch something new, whether it is a project, a product, or a service consider the attributes that might make it catchy.

Most things aren’t that catchy, yet the expectations usually are.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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golden rule

Golden Rule, Has It Shifted or Changed?

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A better question might be, “Should it?” Nearly everyone is familiar with the golden rule. Most people will suggest it represents treating others the way you would like to be treated.

Some people connect the golden rule with religious sentiments. Regardless of where or how you see the connection, has this rule changed?

Is treating others the way you would like to be treated still a good approach?

What are the expectations of others, are their expectations similar or different?

Everyone wants respect, but how is respect shown or illustrated? Is it being left to your own outcomes or is it getting a helping hand from someone else? Could it be based on your values and beliefs and if so, are those values and beliefs shared or mutually agreed upon?

The golden rule is tricky. On one hand it seems to make sense, yet, on another, it may not be a good rule.

Everyone Wants

Most people want, expect, or at least appreciate, being treated with kindness. I’ve seen a t-shirt or bumper sticker with the expression, “Mean people suck.” Of course, a bumper sticker isn’t any form of scientific measurement or evaluation, but they do sometimes resonate with others.

People want a chance to express themselves, they want to be able to voice their opinion without consequence or retaliation.

Most people want a chance to prove their value or worth. They want to contribute and in times of doubt, be given some leniency.

In short, they want a chance to live life as they see it.

Golden Rule

Does this all fit into the golden rule?

Not really.

The golden rule is based on your own values, beliefs, and opinions. Those are not necessarily consistent with others position on life.

Maybe the golden rule should be tweaked a little. Maybe it should be a little more of treating others the way they would like to be treated.

Freedom of choices or expressions. True freedom of speech, not just what fits a certain guideline. The benefit of the doubt, or acceptance of differences.

It seems like a simple rule. The golden one.

Yet, it may be much more complex than most people recognize. It often fits when it fits, and doesn’t when it doesn’t.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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skeptical believer

Skeptical Believer, Are You One Of Them?

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Have you factored workplace trust into the success of your organization? Are you a skeptical believer, or just moving about without giving belief much thought?

In workplace circles many people are convinced in what they believe. The right, the wrong, the labels, and the situations. What they see, what they perceive, is truth.

Often driven by expectations belief can be powerful, it can become extreme, and it also can become problematic.

Who do you choose to believe and why?

Skeptical Believer

People often choose to believe those that they trust. When you ask someone why they trust another person what is his or her response?

Do they trust from past experience with the person? Are they stereotyping, making assumptions, or simply giving the benefit of the doubt?

Is this blind belief? Belief based on science?

Much of the belief is suggested to come from a feeling. A trust your gut kind of experience. This trust is often analyzed in your mind based on past experiences.

A bad boss might create some emotional scars. The result, never trust the boss.

A co-worker who sells you out may create an unwillingness to trust team members.

It is often about an organization that looks like this, looks like that, acts that way, has employees who drive the cars or wear the clothes that you connect with a previous good or bad experience.

Risky Trust

Giving the benefit of the doubt in trust scenarios feels risky.

Not giving the benefit of the doubt may be halting progress.

Don’t blindly disregard your instincts, but when you don’t trust ask yourself why.

The absence of evidence may be the perfect reason to give someone the benefit of the doubt.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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lowered expectations

Lowered Expectations, Is That a Strategy?

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Have you ever decided to go to the meeting with lowered expectations? Different from hoping for the best, or having a negative or positive attitude, right-sizing your expectations may be a game-changer.

Charles Dickens had something to invoke readers imagination in his novel, Great Expectations. Have you read it?

For most people, in their daily life, expectations can make or break your day. Often high expectations are considered positive, yet at the same time, high expectations not realized can bring you to a painful low. It might be about finding the right balance.

High Hopes

Hoping for a better outcome can certainly be constructive. Often your best energy is released when you enter the opportunity with high hopes.

Is hope counter intuitive for right-sizing expectations?

It likely depends on the circumstance or situation.

If you’ve prepared appropriately for the meeting, do you have hope?

Working hard sometimes seems to feel like it lacks the payout you deserve. Is that because you don’t have hope or is it that as you entered, your expectations were too high?

Another harmful consequence of improperly aligned expectations is that you learn to shy away from opportunity.

When you feel like you’ve been scammed, cheated, or promised but didn’t receive, you start to disconnect, disengage, and you aren’t eager about new opportunities.

More than that, there may be a breakdown in trust.

Lowered Expectations

When you are looking to the future and planning strategy. Having high hopes and great expectations makes a lot of sense. You remain practical and realistic, yet your target is higher and a bit challenging to achieve. That’s good.

If you are breaking new ground, making a recommendation that you know has been controversial in the past, or your delivery is seeking a lofty game-change, lowering expectations for the outcome may actually provide clarity and focus.

When you feel that there is a lot on the line and tension is high, your anxiety is elevated. Then fear and self-protection may start to creep in. You’re probably not doing your best work or giving your best delivery in those moments.

You fall back to hope.

Hope sometimes depends a little bit on luck. When we go in with high hopes, we probably are also expecting a good luck scenario. “Wish me luck,” may be the last thing you say as you navigate towards your meeting.

In some cases, lowering your expectations slightly may allow you to perform better and walk away much more satisfied with the outcomes.

With lowered expectations you don’t appear desperate. You don’t overwhelm or become overbearing to decision makers.

It often feels just right.

Just right yields better results.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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best energy

Best Energy, It Just Might Be Hope

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Where do you get your best energy? Is it from your food, a good night’s sleep, or from feeling inspired?

All of those may be important.

One often forgotten source of energy or motivation is hope.

Start a new job or get a raise or promotion, you might feel excited and have a boost of energy.

Have a relaxing evening or a great weekend, and you may be able to regroup to tackle what is needed today or tomorrow.

What about hope?

Best Energy

Hope is often the carrot that keeps you moving. It’s the horse in front of the cart, pulling, not pushing, compelled by the opportunity that lies ahead.

People with physical or emotional injuries, often find the ability to move on, go forward, and grasp opportunities based mostly on hope.

They hope for something new, something different, and something connected to their future vision.

This is especially true when the odds are stacked against them. It is especially true when others suggest they can’t, yet they find a way.

It may seem magical and cause disbelief. Impossible for some just might be possible for those with hope.

It is a game changer. An opportunity and a chance to do better work, achieve a higher status, and to learn more about the difference between difficult and impossible.

When someone suggests there is no hope, all opportunities may be lost.

Your next breakthrough may require extra energy. A dream come true often uses hope for fuel.

It’s not too late.

Don’t give up on hope.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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World view

Worldview, How Do You View It?

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What is your worldview? I’m not talking politics or weather, even though both may apply. In your workplace does your worldview change results?

You may need to make a decision. You may need to support a decision. Can you roll with a different path, even if you have some reservations or lack agreement?

What about doing the right thing? Is your view of the right thing consistent with your team or your boss?

Your life experiences are unique. How you see the world will condition your thoughts and behaviors. It will even condition what you decide to do next.

Is your view helpful or a hindrance?


Your view can be helpful. It can serve as a difference maker.

When you share your story and you are authentic it might be attractive. It might sell.

Stories of being the victim, only having bad luck, and tales of others beating the system or having an advantage that you’ll never have aren’t flattering. They are also selling the wrong attitude. They are a hindrance.

Stories that overcome obstacles, leap hurdles and illustrate persistence are difference makers. Positive difference makers.

Consider stories that rise above the competition, stories that link mindset to product or services, and stories that warm hearts and build community.

Generous stories. Stories that give more than they take. Stories with connection and purpose. Thought starters and movers and shakers.

Your world view is about heart. It’s about what’s inside that needs to get out to inspire others.

It starts with you. It changes the way others see things.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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wishful thinking

Wishful Thinking In The Workplace Is What You Need

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Wishing someone to “get well soon” seems helpful. Depending on the results, wishing for sunshine instead of rain, or warm weather instead of bitter cold may also feel good. Does wishful thinking change the outcomes in your workplace?

You may want to start with consideration for the reality of the wish. Wishing to lose weight while consuming several donuts and a sugared-up tall coffee may not make much difference.

It may not be realistic to wish for a winning lottery ticket, for someone to do your household chores, or that all the traffic lights will be green when you approach the intersection.

Wishing for someone to have a great weekend, a happy birthday, or a happy anniversary is a generous act. It is a kind gesture and it feels good.

Does wishful thinking help create business success, or is it really only for feel-good cheer?

Wishful Thinking

In the workplace, it may be beneficial to make wishes count. Certainly, far-out wishes that are unrealistic are not useful. In fact, they may even be counter-productive.

Wishing that sales will increase is a dangerous game without a strategy and tactics to pursue it. It’s similar to wishing that the quality will be good, customers will be happy, and that everything will go exactly as you expected.

If you don’t have a good plan, it is likely that very little will happen.

Wishing is not a plan.

It’s an act that provides focus, gives people something to look forward to, and may change future outcomes.

When there is a stretch goal, wishing for it to be achieved makes it much more likely than denying it as a possibility.

When others see the potential outcome as possible, team momentum gains strength. When people remove hurdles, go around customer satisfaction roadblocks, and strive to deliver the very best, positive things will happen.

Does wishing change outcomes?

Changing Outcomes

You aren’t going to change the weather, purchase the winning lottery ticket, or magically lose weight with a wish.

On the flip side, when you have a well-thought-out and well-executed plan that includes the necessary resources, one of the best things you can do is wish for great success.

A wish may be all that it takes to make others believe that it can come true.

Wishful thinking creates focus.

Focusing on the plan may be exactly what you need.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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