What Will You Do If Your Career Strategy Fails?

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career strategy fails

What Will You Do If Your Career Strategy Fails?

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Are you in full stride for your career? Have you been thinking about making a change? It is common to feel indecisive or stuck. Have you thought about what you’ll do if your career strategy fails?

Nearly everyone has jumped out of something. They’ve left the meeting early, dropped a class in school, or given up on a personal relationship.

They’ve bailed.

Getting In or Getting Out

Getting involved in something is easy. You raise your hand, give a nod, or click to sign up. What do you do if you want out?

Most people who walk into a room, leave by the same door. Jump in your car, you get out the same way you got in.

In our career, we’re told, “Don’t burn your bridges.”

If you’re unhappy there is a way out. It may very well be through the same door you got in. Do you want to bail or is it just a rough patch?

What Matters Most?

Organizational culture matters. Your boss matters. Neither usually change easily or quickly. Both are common reasons for leaving.

What if you decided that leaving didn’t support your long-term strategy. Could it make more sense to tough it out? What can you learn from any adversity connected to the situation? Is there something to value about staying a little longer?

It’s a tough spot. Do you feel like your career strategy is off? Does it feel like things have broken down and are not repairable?

A bump may not be failure.

Career Strategy Fails

What causes people to leave the meeting, drop a class, or walk-out on a relationship that may not be perfect? Often, there is a time to move on. The best question may be, “Is it now?”

Here are my thoughts. Don’t stay because you feel that you don’t have a choice. Don’t go just because you can. Remain connected to your strategy for growth.

Happiness matters, but a couple of bad days may not be a sign that your strategy is failing.

Don’t sacrifice long-term goals for short-term feel goods.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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