Bright Futures Start With Your Story
Are you a product of your story? The easy answer is, yes. Bright futures start with the story you are telling. Without a good story, the future may be dim.
The interesting aspect of any story is its purpose. We tell stories for warnings, pleasure, humor, advice, branding, fear, and especially to promote change.
Think about your conversation yesterday, and the one you’ll have today. What is its purpose? Is it for preparation, strategy, or change?
Social media tells a story. So does the mainstream news.
Your co-workers have a story, what are they telling?
Your boss has a story, so do the investors.
There is a story at the barber shop, a story on the radio, and a story in your email in-box.
Certainly, it makes sense to stay on top of some news. It also makes sense to think for yourself about the information you receive. Question the motive, the reason, and the purpose.
Everyone claims to want a bright future, yet what is their story?
Bright Futures
Is fear more attractive or interesting than success?
Is anger more desirable than peace?
What is your top story? What are you going to talk about today?
Maybe the story you want to tell isn’t the story that will help create the path to the future you desire.
Whatever narrative you are listening to, or telling, it will have a lot to do with what happens next.
What is your language describing? Does it matter?
Bright futures start with a story.
What is your story?
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.