The Best Workplace Decisions Are Made Together
Everyone wants to get it right. Everyone wants to make good decisions. Are the best workplace decisions made together or with limited interaction?
Ask a boat builder how to get across the river and you likely will get the suggestion of building a boat.
Ask the bridge builder, it will be a different story.
When you are thinking of who gets a seat at the table have you considered the input of who doesn’t? What might be missing? Are critical components left out of the conversation?
Ask a crowd to individually cite how the best decisions are made, you’ll probably get many different answers. Some will suggest that decisions should be made quickly others may suggest that they should take more time.
Decision by consensus is a method of decision making. Have you used this tactic?
Decision by Consensus
Decision by consensus is not about a majority vote. It is not about persuasion. True decision by consensus is formed when all parties have had an opportunity to discuss their perspective and then everyone agrees with the same choice.
Certainly, some may suggest that the there is some persuasion involved. Perhaps some people who don’t care as much about a specific path will opt to roll with a compelling version of a different choice.
True decision by consensus is an effective tool. One drawback is that it typically takes more time. Time that some will suggest is being wasted and a quicker choice is more desirable.
How are the best decisions made?
Best Workplace Decisions
It all starts with getting the right people at the table. That doesn’t mean people who will necessarily easily agree or who have the same points of view. It should be a well-rounded group.
Boat builders and bridge builders would be a great way to start.
Keep in mind that time invested is better than time wasted.
Hear all the points of view and carefully consider the options. Often the most effective decisions are made together.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.