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Outlast It

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Weather storms build, they may start out softly, but build to a peak intensity that can be very damaging. The same is true for storms in our personal lives, with friends or family, and even while on the job.


As the intensity of a storm builds to its peak, the probability of damaging anything in its path increases. It is at this point the storm causes the most trouble, the biggest problems, and is the toughest to fight. If you can outlast its desperate onslaught it will eventually start to decline, weaken, and dissipate into such a small and minuscule event that you may wonder why you had so much concern in the first place.

In our workplace and personal lives storms are also the strongest right before they dissipate. The key to managing the storm is to be able to outlast it. Sometimes we forget or take for granted that the storm is building to a peak. Often we worry that we cannot outlast its fiery onslaught and we have to remember that we’ll have the hardest fight right before the winds shift, the tables turn, and the situation pivots to our advantage.

You may be facing the biggest storm of your life, it may feel like it’s getting stronger and stronger, but remember it is always the strongest right before it dissipates.

Outlast it.


Photo Credit: Tropical Cyclone, Wikipedia.org

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