Fresh Starts

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Fresh Starts

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So many people are happily adopting what is traditionally known as a New Year resolution. They enter the year with refreshed excitement and enthusiasm for the opportunity to get a fresh start. The running joke sometimes is, how long will they stay motivated and engaged in their new or refreshed pursuit?


I believe the New Year resolution process is valuable in many ways. You may lose weight, get in shape, improve your career, get more education, or even have a better attitude. Actions on any of those ideas are positive and productive, that is, as long as you get some results.

There are two additional themes associated with New Year resolutions that are worth mentioning, they are resolution failure and the concept of fresh starts.

The word failure makes most people cringe, but I believe the reality of failure is what also makes us great. We likely learn more from failure than we learn from success. These learning opportunities help us pivot to newfound success, make us smarter than we were before, and in a strange way create more strength. Additionally, it makes those who dared to dream, but never tried, respect us more.

Fresh starts are great! It gives us the chance to clear our mind, engage our heart, and feel more energy. Fresh starts only occur when we dare to try, risk being labeled, ridiculed, and misunderstood; but we do it anyway.

Fresh starts happen often, it doesn’t require a New Year to create a new you!


Photo Credit: Michael McCarty

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